Training Material
Hi Riders, below you will find all our learning Videos material so far, however i STRONGLY RECOMMEND that you also study the full detail material here for a deeper understanding of the process and it´s different indicators.
A) Trend Shift Strategy: Ideal for big price swings. (best for beginners)
Trend Shift Strategy v3.0
B) Anticipation Strategy: To anticipate price direction changes before they happen. (best for intermediate traders)
Anticipation Strategy
Anticipation Strategy
C) Trend Rider Macro View Tutorial:
This indicator helps to identify potential tops, bottoms and to understand where is $Bitcoin during the current cycle.
D) About our indicators: Description on how to interprete each indicator separately.
Bonus: how to setup alarm on our indicator: How to setup alarms
Much more updates and news on our blog
About the Indicators
3. Trend System Tutorial PART1 v2: Indicators description
5. Trend System Tutorial PART3: Indicators description - Trend Oscillator
If you have any doubt don't hesistate to send us a note: